19 Jul 2024

Financial Management RG at FEB UNS Provides Training and Assistance to Culinary Traders in Kota Barat Solo

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the culinary sector in Kota Barat Solo face various challenges in this globalization and digitalization era. Observations conducted by the Financial Management Research Group (RG) at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), led by Dr. Setianingtyas Honggowati, M.M., Ak., along with its members Dr. Bambang Hadinugroho, S.E., M.Si., Dr. Endang Suhari, M.Si., Drs. Harmadi, MM., and Yohana Tamara, S.E., M.M., identified several issues faced by traders.

These issues include low motivation for business strategies among entrepreneurs; limited understanding of digital marketing, including e-commerce and social media, as well as digital financial recording; and a lack of awareness about established institutions, their responsibilities, and the benefits for business owners.

In response, the Financial Management RG conducted a community service activity entitled “Strengthening Culinary MSMEs in Kota Barat Solo to Increase Income through Assistance and Business Management,” on July 9, 2024.

Through the use of digital technology, to improve business management knowledge and skills, this community service seeks to increase the active participation of MSMEs in the culinary industry. Additionally, an assistance program is intended to guarantee income growth. The team provided lectures, consultations, discussions, and assistance on the importance of strengthening motivation and creativity in business. The hope is that MSME entrepreneurs will become truly aware and motivated to advance with a renewed spirit.

The team also offered training on technology development, including explanations and practical sessions on installing necessary applications for culinary MSMEs. Briefings on the roles, perks, obligations, and responsibilities of institutional administrators and members were provided to the traders to address their knowledge of and use of supporting institutions.