FEB UNS Students Won Second Place in National Accounting Competition
Students from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, successfully won second place in the National Accounting Competition (NAC) organized by Universitas Muria Kudus. The three students, Nur Pujiastuti, Sukma Mely Asmara, and Raditya Puspa Oksavin, were students of the Accounting Study Program FEB UNS.
The Team leader, Nur Pujiastuti, or Puji for short, states that the virtual competition was attended by 33 teams from 17 universities in 9 provinces across Indonesia. Their team successfully passed four strict competition stages.

Final Round in Impromptu Motion Debate
In the elimination stages, the team must solve 100 multiple-choice accounting quiz questions, while in the main round, they must solve individual multiple-choice questions, followed by relay essay questions. As for the semifinal round, the team is required to work on a case study and present their discussion conclusion under the topic of Inventory Audit.
On the final round on October 19th, 2022, the finalists competed in Impromptu Motion Debate entitled The Dead of Accounting, Dissipation of CSR Virtue and Transfer Pricing.
The three students were currently enrolled in their seventh semester and, since their fourth semester, had participated in numerous virtual competitions. However, most of their past endeavors stopped at the semifinal rounds. Fortuitously the NAC was conducted this semester, and the three took the opportunity to compete for the winning medal.

Group photo with the winner and NAC organizer
According to Puji, their motivation for participating in this championship is to give the best memento for FEB UNS.
“At the beginning, we were encouraged to take this opportunity with great expectation to win the medal for FEB UNS. Alhamdulillah, our wishes were finally accomplished. We don’t know whether we can compete at the future championship since next semester we must start focusing on our bachelor thesis research,” she revealed.
Another team member, Raditya, states that his team was optimistic about winning the competition. From the beginning, the team has set a target to win the challenge. In each competition stage, the three encourage and trust each other, and they are confident to pass each stage well.
Aside from their optimism, they always pray and trust in Allah’s provisions for all of their efforts.

Group Photo with Leaders of Universitas Muara Kudus
For Sukma, participating in competitions such as NAC brings valuable experiences. To accomplish an achievement, indeed, is not easy and full of challenges, but according to her, they must stay tenacious.
Moreover, other than pursuing study at a higher education institution, students must develop their competency and carve various achievements through competition participation. Supporting facilities are provided by the faculty, and students can take advantage of these facilities the best they can.
“Our team had faced failures in previous championships, but through those failures, we found the motivation to evaluate our shortcomings and strive better in the next opportunities. While doing our best, it is not enough to only work hard, and we also need to pray. God will bless us according to our effort. God is blessing us not because of our status but because He is the Most Gracious and Merciful.