FEB UNS Students Participation in Campus Visit IFG 2024 Seminar: Insurance Literacy and Pension Funds
There must be risks that cannot be avoided in our daily lives, both small and large risks. Sometimes risks do not originate from our personal decisions but also from others’. In general, the role of non-banking financial institutions such as insurance and pension funds does not eliminate all kinds of risks that occur, but instead to mitigate risks.
This statement was conveyed by the Chief Senior Research Associate of Indonesia Financial Group (IFG), Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman in the Campus Visit Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) Progress 2024 seminar, under the topic of Basic Literacy and Introduction to the Insurance & Pension Fund Industry, hosted at the Konimex Hall, Bachtiar Effendi Building FEB UNS, Thursday (16/5/2024).
In front of more than 100 FEB UNS students, Ibrahim introduced the presence of the Non-Bank Financial Industry (IKNB), especially insurance and pension funds to mitigate risks from various activities and conditions occurring in the community.
IFG is an Insurance and Guarantee Holding SOE that oversees insurance, guarantee, and capital market companies consisting of PT Asuransi Kerugian Jasa Raharja (Jasa Raharja), PT Jaminan Kredit Indonesia (Jamkrindo), PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Askrindo), PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo), PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG (IFG Life), PT Bahana Sekuritas, PT Bahana TCW Investment Management, PT Bahana Artha Ventura, PT Bahana Kapital Investa, and PT Grahaniaga Tatautama.
He further explains that the risk coverage managed by the insurance sector is extensively broad, covering almost all activities ranging from life, health, and accidents, to risks that occur in industrial activities. In addition, the pension fund sector is also important as a source of financing for the elderly Indonesian generation.
IFG Progress serves several functions for public publication, research, and education as it is ongoing today.
“So, later on, if you, after this event, think that working at IFG is interesting, please contact us and if later on you have a paper or have a study on the type of financial service that can be developed as a research study, let’s learn together, to bring out the potential for self-development, to become investment experts, economists, actuaries and underwriters who together aim to develop IKNB in the future,” he explained.
The agenda was led by Ayya Agmulia Asmarani Islam, and invited four speakers, consisting of Chief Senior Research Associate IFG Progress, Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman; Research Associate IFG Progress, Rizky Rizaldi Ronaldo; and Afif Narawangsa Luviyanto; and FEB UNS Lecturer, Dila Maghrifani.