FEB UNS Holds Hybrid Lecture Simulation
A number of first semester students from the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) attended the Introduction to Macroeconomics lecture delivered by Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah, SE, M.Si., in Classroom 2.203 FEB UNS. At the same time, the rest of other students who enrolled to the course can follow the session through Zoom Cloud Meeting, Friday, September 3, 2021.
This hybrid lecture, which combines two learning methods (online and direct learning), is an initial simulation carried out by FEB UNS to prepare Face-to-face Lectures (PTM) that will be implemented gradually by UNS. In the early stages, UNS will hold PTM for the first semester (class of 2021) students while prioritizing the residents of Solo Raya and vaccinated students to attend the PTM. Students are vibrant and enthusiastic about participating in the hybrid lecture simulation that will last for 2 hours.
“Students attending the face-to-face lectures are currently only from the Great Solo region, such as from Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Klaten, and also Surakarta. With this method, lecturers can explain the material in more detail, especially for topics that require calculation, since Zoom Cloud Meeting still has limitations,” said Prof. Izza reveals after her lecture.
According to her, equipment and technical officers’ preparation to support the implementation of this hybrid lecture are crucial to facilitate students, both joining the face-to-face lecture and virtual lecture, in understanding the material and allowing them to join class discussions can smoothly. Prof. Izza hopes that the university will immediately provide vaccination facilities for the new students; thus, students can safely join the face-to-face lecture.
Meanwhile, Andreansyah Saputra, a student of the Management Study Program, said that this method is implemented perfectly. Students can clearly understand the material presented by the lecturer.
“We, as students, feel comfortable attending lectures while maintaining health protocols on campus and in class,” he said briefly. (Humas FEB)