07 Mar 2020

UNS Mengajar: FEB UNS Lecturers Instill Nationality Value and Share Soft Skill Knowledge to High School Students

The younger generation as the successor of the country needs to understand the national history and the ideals of the struggle of the nation’s founders. This is important to establish the determination to study hard and continue to develop themselves for national development. This also grows the awareness to defend the country from any threats, either from internal or external. This statement was delivered by Prof. Drs. Djoko Suhardjanto, M.Com., (Hons)., Ph.D., Ak., the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS) Surakarta to the students of SMP Negeri 1 Purwodadi, during the UNS Mengajar Indonesia Program, on Tuesday, March, 3rd, 2020.

In the front of the eighth-grade students, Prof. Djoko shares knowledge on National Defense and National Values that lacking or not yet delivered by the teachers in the SMP Negeri 1 Purwodadi. To build a favorable atmosphere, Prof. Djoko, who is also the alumni of the SMP Negeri 1 Purwodadi tries to interact more with the students and discuss casually regarding the material. Prior to the material discussion, Prof. Djoko delivers an opening on his background, grew up in the same environment, from the village with all the trinkets of simplicity.

high school students at SMP Negeri 1 PurwodadiThe students are motivated to continue learning, continue their studies to a higher level in order to achieve their dream. Related to the teaching and learning process in SMP N 1 Purwodadi, Prof. Djoko deeply regretted the conditions in the middle school environment that lacked in terms of National Defense knowledge, Pancasila, and history.

“If in the middle school there is a limited national understanding, on the higher education level, they will be less concerned with the nation,” he explains to Humas FEB.

More attention from many parties is needed to find the best solution for this problem. The process to instill nationalism and National Defense should be started at an early age to prevent negative behavior that can damage the nation.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Rahmawati, M.Si., Ak., the Director of the Doctoral Program in Economics (PDIE FEB UNS), who is also the teaching members in SMP N 1 Purwodadi, during another class teach a soft skill that must be mastered by the students.

To be successful, excellence in the academic field is not enough. Students need to have soft skills such as communication, responsibility, discipline, independence, openness, initiative, innovation, and many others.

Before presenting the material, the students are asked to draw their self-portrait, “Who I am”, and their dream. “It is very interesting and cute (the drawing), many students want to be a doctor, astronaut, and designer,” she explains.FEB UNS lecturer at UNS Mengajar

For Prof. Djoko and Prof. Rahma, the experience to teach in the SMP 1 Purwodadi give a very pleasant impression and feel close. Both consider that the “UNS Mengajar Indonesia” Program has an enormous advantage and hope that this program will be continued in the following year. Establishing a closeness with the community, especially in education (school) environment, in order to motivate the school in a certain region to have pride.

Beside Prof. Djoko and Prof. Rahma, other FEB UNS faculty members and alumni that participate in the UNS Mengajar program in SMP 1 Purwodadi are Dr. Budhi Haryanto, MM., Dr. Setianingtyas H, MM., Ak., Agung Nur Probohudono, SE, M.Si., Ph.D., Ak., CA., Dra. Anastasia Riani S, M.Si., Dra. Nunung Sri Mulyani, M.Si., Drs. Djoko Purwanto, MBA., Drs. Bambang Sarosa, M.Si., Drs. Supriyono M.Si., Ir. Warseno Hardjodarsono, M.Si., Drs. Joko Karyono, M.Si., Johan Pitoyo JK, M.Si., M. Anas Amiral, SM., Dr. Edy Supriyono., Suwarno, M.Si., dan Ichsan SB, M.Si. (Humas)

Editor: Drs. BRM. Bambang Irawan, M.Si.