26 Apr 2023

Exciting! FEB UNS Alumni Meet on Fun Football Halal Bi Halal

The festivity of Eid al-Fitr momentum is perfect to promote networking among FEB UNS Alumni. This opportunity was taken by alumni of the Football Student Activity Unit (UKM), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) by organizing Halal bi Halal Fun Football for alumni from any year intake. The event follows the concept of the Trofeo Cup, which is done by bringing together 3 teams at once.

The match was held on April 25, 2023, starting at 19.00 WIB at Klumprit Football Field, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo.

The Trofeo Cup was attended by approximately 50 people from the Class of 1998 to the Class of 2018. Bester (Class of 2005 alumni), as the organizing committee, stated that this event was held as a reunion for the alumni of FEB UNS Football UKM and at the same time recommencing football matches between alumni that have been stopped for several years. FEB used to have a football event called Dokarmasale (Lecturer, Employee, Student, and Economics Alumni) which was held every year.

As the host, Sapto, an alumnus of the Class of 2003 who is currently also the Deputy of the Sukoharjo Regency DPRD, conveyed this event not only to maintain personal health but also aims to introduce the potential of football fields located in the village area. These football fields are now professionally managed, one of them is the Klumprit Village football field. This field is equipped with standardized lights, thus, it can be used for night matches.

Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho, Supervisor of FEB UNS Football UKM, who is also an alumnus of the class of 2002, encourages this type of activity. He considers these activities very beneficial for fellow FEB UNS alumni to expand their network. This event not only serves as a sports game but also to strengthen the FEB UNS Alumni network.

The Trofeo Cup is quite entertaining. Participants are divided into 3 teams, the Legend team (Class of 1998-2007), Oldstar (Class of 2008-2013), and Youngstar (Class of 2014-2018).

The final results of the match were 2-1 for the Legend vs Oldstar match; 3-0 score for the Oldstar vs Youngstar match, and lastly the Youngstar vs Legend match with a score of (5-4) on penalties. Overall the match was won by Youngstar Team. The ranking order for these matches was Youngstar Team on the 1st rank, followed by Legend Team on the 2nd rank, and Oldstar Team on the 3rd rank.