08 Oct 2019

The Government Provide Tax Incentive to Promote Investment

The Government Regulation Number 45 of 2019 regulates the internship program. For any internship program that promotes the development of human resource will receive material facility from the government. For instance, if a firm spent 100 million rupiah for internship program or other HR development, it can be deducted from their gross revenue at 200% rate. This was expressed by Sri Suranta, a Faculty member in FEB UNS during a Seminar entitle: The Role of Tax Incentive (Value Added Tax (VAT) and VAT for Luxury Goods) in encouraging Investment in Indonesia, Thursday, October 3rd, 2019.

He explains that this incentive is beneficial for the companies in Indonesia as it will ease them in paying the income tax. With this incentive applied, the companies and firms should start to improve the skill of their firms’ HR. The mentioned incentive is also available for research and development with a provision that the program should be conducted in Indonesia.

The event is started with an opening remark from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs FEB UNS, Dr. Izza Mafruhah. The seminar also invites speakers from Fiscal Policy Office represented by Rustam Effendi, M.Si, Wawan Juswanto, Ph.D. and Joni Kiswanto, M.M,Ak.