31 Oct 2023

Green Economy and Sustainable Development Research Group FEB UNS Carries out Community Service in Sragen, Promoting Butterfly Pea Utilization and Management

The Green Economy and Sustainable Development Research Group (RG), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) carried out community service in Boyolayar, Sumberlawang District, Sragen Regency in August 2023.

In this community service program, the RG chaired by Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah S.E., M.Sc., takes on the Potential Development of Telang (Butterfly pea) flower and Angkung flower (Gandola) for Herbal Markets in Sumberlawang District. The local community was given training on how to use and process Butterfly Pea flowers.

Prof. Izza in her speech explained that there is one drawback faced by the region with the designation of Boyolayar as one of the tourist attractions. Situated in a hot region, shade plants such as Butterfly Pea are needed. In addition to being used as a shade plant, Butterfly Pea flowers can also be made as the main ingredients for Butterfly Pea tea, syrup, and jam, which can be used to leverage the local community’s economy.

A special instructor was presented in the Butterfly Pea processing training, they are Fatimah, A.Ma.Pd.SD. On this occasion, she explained the benefits of Butterfly Pea for health, she also taught the trainees to make jams and syrups using Butterfly Pea, which could later be implemented to become a new source of income for the local community.

Additionally, the Green Economy and Sustainable Development Research Group provides a marketplace for products made from Butterfly Pea produced by the Boyolayar community. This aims to elevate the processed Butterfly Pea products made by the Boyolayar community, thus it can reach wider consumers, hence, improving this community’s livelihood.

“The Green Economy and Sustainable Development RG FEB UNS team will continue to support these activities, thus, it can be implemented sustainably and continuously. The distribution of Butterfly Pea seeds aims to help the community to carry out all the Butterfly Pea food production processes independently, starting from maintenance, flower harvesting process, drying, processing to marketing,” said Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah S.E., M.Si.

The trainees were armed with practical knowledge of how to process Butterfly Pea into jam and syrup. They were also involved directly in the practice of making syrup and jam, starting from the preparation until finally the syrup and jam could be consumed. In addition, they are also equipped with packaging techniques and labeling of Butterfly Pea processed products until they are finally ready to be marketed.

At the end of the session, the community was also trained to set up an online store, which they could later use as a forum for Butterfly Pea processed product trading activities.