06 Apr 2023

FEB UNS Invited Prof. Tamat from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in the Special Workshop on Academic Writing and Publication Discussing Research Publication

Research publications are one indicator of academic reputation for faculty and universities within the QS international rankings. In order to support the publication process carried out by students, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) hosted a hybrid workshop entitled ‘Special Workshop on Academic Writing and Publication,’ at Konimex Hall, Bachtiar Effendi Building 3rd Floor, FEB UNS, and Zoom Cloud Meeting, Wednesday, April, 5th, 2023.

The workshop invited Prof. Dr. Tamat Sarmidi from the Faculty of Economics and Management UKM, Malaysia, as the main speaker.

Led by Dr. Nurul Istiqomah, S.E., M.Si., as a moderator, the workshop was attended by FEB UNS lecturers and students from Bachelor (S1), Graduate (S2), and Doctoral (S3) levels at FEB UNS.

The workshop was opened by the Vice Dean of Academic, Research, and Student Affairs FEB UNS, Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah, S.E., M.Si., who also delivered a speech representing the Dean of FEB UNS.

“I would like to thank Prof. Tamat who is willing to visit UNS. Prof. Tamat has often visited UNS to the point that we feel like he is our own father. For this workshop we will focus on academic writing, although there will also be material related to econometrics,” said Prof. Izza in her opening remark.

In addition to delivering material related to econometrics and academic writing, this workshop will also include a presentation of selected research articles from PDIE program students to then get suggestions and inputs from Prof. Tamat. “The binary model has enormous potential in economic research, especially in the decision-making process in projects and policy making,” explained Prof. Tamat, opening material exposure.

Further, Prof. Tamat delivers econometric material consisting of two topics, namely the interpretation of regression coefficients and regression with limited dependent variables. “Often students are not precise in interpreting the coefficient of regression results. Students are often confused in determining the appropriate interpretation for the regression coefficient, especially for variables with different measurement units,” he said.

In addition to delivering the material, in between the material presentation, Prof. Tamat asked quiz questions to participants who attended the workshop in person or virtually. For each participant who successfully answered Prof. Tamat, an exclusive book prize, is available.

In the following session, four FEB UNS PDIE students presented their research articles and engaged in an intensive discussion with Prof. Tamat Sarmidi.